Practice Areas
The Law Offices of Timothy J. McGaughey focuses on three primary areas:
Franchise Law: Mr.
McGaughey has advised both Franchisor and Franchisee in this practice.
He has represented companies like J. Christopher, Steak-out and
Computer Troubleshooters as Franchisor in designing their UFOC (Uniform
Franchise Offering Circular). He has also helped Franchisees to acquire
franchises like Mailboxes Etc, Quizno's and EmbroidMe. To learn more
about this area of practice, please access Franchise Law.
Business Litigation: Mr.
McGaughey has represented many small and medium-sized business in
business litigation involving covenant not to compete, partnership
agreements, infringement as well as contract negotiation. These
companies range across different verticals such as IT Consulting,
Technical Communications or the Retail and Restaurant industry.
Business Transactions: Mr.
McGaughey routinely advises clients on business transactions such as
Employee Hiring or Contractor hiring, organic growth partnerships or
Release Agreements for high-level executives.